The C170 is the more economical, basic version of the C170i. If you need, e.g. more future flexibility, O2 control, copper interior, humidity monitoring, advanced documentation, user management, or if you have a requirement for 180 °C disinfection – the C170i is recommended.
• Effective contamination protection: 140 °C sterilization routine
• Uniform atmosphere: Dual-channel IR-sensor (no TC-sensor), temperature uniformity verified (ISO 12880:2007-05), temperature and CO2 recovery after door opening < 5 min
• Easy cleaning: Stainless-steel chamber without seams, fan, ducts, covers etc. and removable water tray for safe and easy weekly cleaning and refill according to good cell culture practice
• Save money: Up to 25 % more usable space by fanless design, 3/4 shelves (max. load per shelf: 10 kg/22 lbs) + 2 access ports included, no costly internal expendable parts like fan-associated HEPA-filters that require bi-annual replacement
• Enhanced vibration and turbulence protection: No fan inside
• Low gas consumption: <1 L CO2/24 h (5 % CO2, w/o door opening)
• You need more? If you need more options (e.g. O2 control, humidity monitoring, copper interior), 180 °C disinfection, or future flexibility – consider the CellXpert® C170i